So the news is in........ Mamata Banerjee agrees to have West Bengal join Kapil Sibal's pet project, the CET for admission to courses in science and engineering, by 2014.
The intention is to make life for students much, much easier, but the way I see it, it will make life miserable for the students of West Bengal.
The first clarification that one requires is what languages will the exam be offered in..... So far, Mr. Sibal has stubbornly refused to accede to the demands of various state governments in holding the examination in 'regional languages', i.e. the exam shall only be held in English and Hindi.
At present, the majority of students in West Bengal study in Bengali-medium schools, even at the higher secondary level. The standard of English in this large student population is quite variable, to put it mildly.
'National' exams like the IIT-JEE, AIEEE, AIPMT etc. are only held in English and Hindi. This puts students from Bengali-medium schools at a severe disadvantage as compared to their English-medium counterparts. Moreover, it also puts them at a severe disadvantage as compared to students who come from Hindi-medium schools.
Now obviously, those who come from a Bengali-medium background will be forced to take the exam in their second language, English, as their knowledge of Hindi would be theoretically next to nothing(and practically much, much worse than their knowledge of English).... On the other hand, students from a similar background, but from Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh or Bihar would take the examination in their first language. In case you were wondering why West Bengal doesn't have any 'Super 30' stories, this may be a huge contributing factor.
Institutes like the IITs, IISERs, NITs etc. are supposedly 'National Institutes', but in reality, they cater to a particular section of the nation's population...... Students from any system, whose language of instruction is not English or Hindi, are effectively excluded from these 'National Institutes'....... In my opinion, this is open discrimination and I am quite surprised that no one raises this issue at all, instead lamenting how students from Bihar are 'smarter' than their Bengali counterparts.
With the doors already shut to these institutes, most students of West Bengal train their sights on the institutions that are under the aegis of the state government, institutions that wouldn't openly discriminate against them on the basis of their mother tongues....
But now, with the CET on the horizon, the hopes of thousands of students across the state may be dashed, if the test is conducted in Mr. Sibaal's languages of choice...... Of course, this is not the first time Sibaal has openly expressed his partiality to a particular part of the country, even though he is supposedly a Minister of the Union. Around 3 years back, he proposed something that is bigoted, chauvinist, discriminatory and if implemented, would effectively be cultural genocide........ I won't go through the trouble of explaining it, but I think the link will suffice-
So what were to happen if the state adopted the new CET(Sibal's version)? Let's assume an overwhelming majority of seats would be reserved for students of the home state. Under these circumstances, a selective advantage would be enjoyed by the students studying in English-medium schools, who usually come from well-off family backgrounds, especially in urban areas. Students from smaller towns and villages would be left out.
If we assume there is little or no reservation of seats(which is less likely), the students from poorer and/or rural backgrounds would be totally marginalised by their urban counterparts along with people from other parts of the country. Not a very encouraging thought.
Many of the most successful engineers, doctors and scientists from West Bengal have come from the villages and/or from very poor backgrounds...... This would effectively stop were the government to go ahead with its plan of action.
However, if the Central Government did agree on holding the exam in 'regional languages'(How I hate this term! Bengali is an international language, more so than Hindi), it would open a new chapter in equality for all racial and linguistic groups in the country. This would effectively open the gates of the IITs, IISERs and NITs to students from non-English, non-Hindi educational backgrounds and somewhere down the line, this MUST happen.
But there will always be the Hindi-chauvinists who'll consider it a Fundamental duty of every Indian to learn Hindi, and if he/she suffers because he cannot or will not(on principle, such as myself), he/she deserves it. They would have us all learn Hindi, even at the cost of our Mother tongues and English. To them I'd like to point out that the name of the country is 'India' and not 'Hindia', the nation is supposed to represent all of us, not just the North. You must remember, that in principle, we have the same rights that you enjoy, among which is our right to have our language and reject yours. You should not forget that we are not your colonies, but an integral part of this country. In my humble opinion, our students deserve the same rights and opportunities that your students enjoy......